August 5, 2012

Japanese Food and what it has Taught me

I have always loved Japanese food, but I had never actually gone to a real Japanese restaurant. Usually I just eat an occasional roll of suhi at the mall or a homemade "novice" one by my mom. That's the thing, when most of the people think of Japanese food, their brains automatically directs them to images of sushi and wasabi. And I won't deny it, that's what I thought too. So it was quite a nice experience yesterday, going to this humble, little Japanese restaurant. Of course, I had sushi, but there so much other stuff that I had, like miso soup (not my favorite, but I'm glad I gave it a try), tempura shrimp (so, so good), dried, baked, cooked fishes (amazingly delicious), and hehe, rice. There was also sushi with raw fish in it, something that I have avoided to try in fear of the rawness. But I tried it this time, and it was fantastic! Japanese food is just so exquisite and beautifully crafted. You can see that they put a lot of work in their food. Delicate, elegant, and absolutely flawless.

Ok, I'm hungry just looking at this delicious yumminess!

It's amazing how much one can discover when trying something new. Quite frankly, don't be afraid of trying something you are scared of! I know it sounds kind of tacky and cliche, but there's a reason it's cliche. I was scared of trying raw fish before, maybe because I was scared of raw meat or contacting some kind of disease. Yes, it's possible to contact a disease, that is, if it's not properly cleaned or if the fish is infected. But now I have full confidence in those sushi chefs, because they know what they're doing.

The world will just open around you when you discover something new or gain more knowledge, even if it's only from trying a new kind of food. Go out there, and have fun exploring the cultures around you! They're right at your fingertips, and the only thing seperating them from you is yourself!

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