August 24, 2012

Classical Piece of the Week: Solo Piano


So, if you have read this post I wrote a while back, you know that I am literally addicted to old-school gymnastics. So, while on Youtube, I stumbled upon this video called: "The Tragedies of Gymnastics- Solo Piano (Raul Di Blasio)" and I fell in love with the music. It fit the video perfectly, and it was utterly perfect. So, if you haven't guessed yet, my classical piece for this week is Solo Piano by Raul Di Blasio. Style wise, it is more towards contemporary music, but I think it fits wonderfully in the category of Classical Music.

This piece is absolutely heart-breaking. with its melancholic melody and cantabile (singing style) tone. The parts that always send shivers through my spine is when the piano goes into a high register. It sounds so vulnerable, so fragile.

The funny thing about music is that taking out a little part can make a whole lot of difference. For example, in this piece, if it actually ended around 2:58, it would sound very depressing, like this piece has just given up on itself. Yet, adding that mini cadence-like ending made the piece sound whole, like there was still hope, amidst all of this sadness.

I hope that you will enjoy this piece as much as I do, and till next Friday!

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